Während rund
herum alles ins Wasser gefallen ist, fand die CH-Coursing Meisterschaft statt. Und der
Boden war Ideal; nicht zu Nass und nicht zu trocken.
Eine super
Organisation und vor allem herzlichen Dank an die Bauern, die es möglich
gemacht haben.
Trotz dem super
Tag mit sonnigen Abschnitten und angenehmen Temperaturen verschlief Ami den 1.
Lauf total. Den 2. konnte sie doch noch ein paar Punkte gut machen.
Kira zeigte zwei
super Läufe und war hellwach:
While everything around it has fallen into water, the CH Coursing championship took place. And the ground was ideal, not too wet and not too dry.
A great organization, and especially thanks to the farmers who have made it possible.
Despite the great day with sunny spells and pleasant temperatures Ami slept through the first Running total. The second but they could make a few good points.
Kira showed two great runs and was wide awake:
A great organization, and especially thanks to the farmers who have made it possible.
Despite the great day with sunny spells and pleasant temperatures Ami slept through the first Running total. The second but they could make a few good points.
Kira showed two great runs and was wide awake:
Ami (Silverhawks Tumainia Ti Amo): 9. von 11 Whippethündinnen